Monday, February 24, 2014

Babywearing....aka baby snuggles

Let's start out with probably the biggest question-why wear my baby?
It's a great way to get stuff done while having your baby close by.
Great way to get them to nap while on the go.
It's very calming for them, and they feel safe.
The carriers are pretty and cute  and come on who doesn't love baby snuggles :)

My personal babywearing (yes that is really what it is called) journey began before my son was born. Before he was born I had a simple infantino carrier on my registry, thankfully I changed my mind before he was born and invested in a Ergo carrier. I had no idea that one was better than the other for myself or baby. Sadly I knew very little about babywearing, and only wore my son a handful of time in the first 20 months of his life. I just didn't think of it and I didn't really know how to us the Ergo well. I lugged him around in his carseat or had him sit in the cart etc. Well, things all changed when baby number 2 came along. My son was too young to follow me around stores really well so he had to sit in the cart still. Where was I going to put the baby? The simple answer I came to was use my Ergo more. The Ergo I had was simple, black and tan. AKA boring. I started off my journey of motherhood very boring. My first cloth diaper shells were waaayyyy boring, lol. Now I am all about prints and animals. Things change. So before baby #2 even arrived I sold my Ergo and bought a Boba 3G carrier. The reason I did this was stupid, but hey it worked. The Boba was camo print. Those of you who know me well know I have a HUGE weakness for camo anything. :) I was very excited for baby #2 to come and when she arrived and started wearing her right away. I wore her in the Boba when she was a mere 3 days old. Hubby had a softball game to play in and I had to watch both kids at the ball field. Only way to do that was to wear her. Soon after my daughter was born I convinced my hubby that I needed a second Boba, so I could have one in each car. I forgot it one time and it was hugely inconvenient. So I used my birthday money and purchased another Boba I found on craigslist. One for each car perfect. I loved (still do) my Boba carriers, they allowed me to easily go shopping with both kids by myself. It also helped keep strange hands away from baby. :) Here is where I warn you. After purchasing the 2nd Boba it kind of became an addiction. I joined a couple groups on fb and my eyes were opened to all the options for babywearing. WOW! I had no idea about wraps etc. I was dumb founded. I couldn't understand the stash shots, why would one person have several wraps? LOL

Fast forward to now, I have a stash that contains several wraps, a ring sling, several SSC (soft structured carriers), and a wrap conversion. I have churned (bought, tried for awhile and sold) a lot of stuff. So here is what I have learned.

There isn't a wrong way to carry your baby, just different ways. Personally I stay away from narrow based carries like bjorn or infantino for a couple reasons. They aren't nearly as comfortable for you or baby. Studies suggest that they can make any hip issues baby has worse. They are a great "gatweay" or "starter" carrier, but not at all what I would recommend.

If I had to recommend one carrier to someone it would be the Boba 3G-no infant insert needed, much more comfortable than Ergo, works from newborn to toddler, simple and gets the job done. :)

The options for babywearing a huge, here are the basics-

SSC-(soft structured carriers) I personally have tried Ergo, Boba, Tula, Kinderpack, Bamberoo, Lillebaby, & Infantino Union (ergonomic). Tula and Kinderpack hold their value the best by far. Nothing wrong with them at all over the Boba, I just think for the money Boba works just as well. For toddlers I recommend either Tula or Kinderpack carriers in toddler size.

Wraps-yes those "hippy" things. ;) A wrap is a woven length of fabric that is about 30'' wide and varies in length depending on what size it is. They also vary in weave type and fiber type. Wraps come in size 2-8 usually. They are available in MANY different prints/colors and brands. They come in many fiber types, linen, linen & cotton blend, hemp and cotton blend, silk blends, wool blends, all cotton etc. There are many things to consider before buying a wrap. Biggest being what time of year (aka what will the temperature be) will you be using it in? Hemp blends are amazing, so soft when broken in and wrap amazing, but they do tend to hold the heat in, so not great for summer. Linen blends are better for summer, but do take a lot of breaking in to make soft. Wool, silk and bamboo require more delicate care as far as washing and drying. Silk and bamboo do make wraps amazingly soft though.  The next thing to consider is what size of baby will you be carrying with it? Wraps that contain hemp or linen are better for carrying bigger children, not that you can't with other wraps, but unless you do a multiple pass carry, wraps that contain bamboo or all cotton can be very uncomfortable or possibly (rare) even damage the wrap by wearing too large of a child in them. Then consider size of the wrap. I recommend a size 6 to start with. It's a great base size that you can do tons of carries with. I have used everything from size 3 to size 7. I currently only own size 6 wraps. Size 7 is just a little long and size 5 is just a little short. I was never able to find the "shorty love" as they say for the size 3. Also remember wrapping does take some learning where as using a SSC is very simple. It's a fun journey though. Wrapping isn't for everyone, but I really enjoy it.

Ring Slings- I have a wrap conversion ring sling and really like it. I had tried a plain fabric ring sling before my wrap conversion one and it was so hard to adjust and very diggy. For that reason I recommend a wrap conversion ring sling. Much more comfortable and easily adjusts. The ring sling is great for quick ups and downs around the house. I don't love them for long amounts of time because I feel like my one shoulder is restrained a bit.

Mei Tai's- I have a simple Infantino mei tai that I do like and is similar to a SSC but no buckles. Great for someone who finds the buckles on a SSC annoying.You can get very fancy mei tais made from wraps as well.

If well taken care of most baby wearing devices (not bjorn's or non ergonomic carriers) hold their value really well. They are only young enough to wear for so long, so enjoy it. Also remember that most kiddos go through stages of not wanting to be worn, don't lose hope, soon they will enjoy it again :)

If you can find what you want used (groups on fb) I recommend buying used, as you can save a little money and help another momma out. If you aren't sure what you want see if you have a local babywearing group with a lending library, or see if someone will let you try what they have. :)

Happy Babywearing :)


Monday, February 17, 2014

Babies Continued...

Yet even more people I know are having babies now!!  :) Love me some newborn baby snuggles. Ok so this post I will cover the topic of baby's first food.

Baby's First Foods-

Ok let me just start out with this is just how I do it, doesn't make it right, doesn't make you wrong. The purpose of my blog isn't to make you feel bad about how you are doing things, it's just to give you a small glimpse into my little boring life of how I do things :)

If at all possible I recommend breast feeding your baby, a lactation consultant can be a lifesaver and well worth the money. Before I had kids I knew I would breast feed, I was annoyed at the number of women who never even tried it or gave up way too soon. Well then I had my first child. He was tongue tied and within two weeks I totally understood why women quit breastfeeding. This little child was totally dependent on me to sustain his life. I couldn't tell for sure how much he was consuming and I was having tons of pain, mainly due to the fact he was tongue tied. During this time I was so thankful for the support of my husband, I needed him to be there for me, I needed a shoulder to cry on. I had envisioned how breastfeeding my children would go and this was not it. It was painful and he wasn't getting it, it took sooooo long for him to eat. Was he even getting enough to live? Take heart momma's it got better. The pain eventually got better as he learned how to work his now clipped tongue. He eventually got faster at it, and by 3 months old I was enjoying breastfeeding a lot. It is so bonding and it's a time to snuggle and love on your baby. I remember just rocking with my son feeding him and he would take his little hand (now chubby) and stroke his head/hair. I treasure those memories so much. Because believe it or not the time you get to breastfeed goes very quickly. Then it's over and they have no interest in that special snuggle time you used to share. As far as how long to breastfeed that is a very personal decision, it's between you, your hubby and your baby. Yes I just said your hubby, and I specifically put that before the baby. Your husband should ALWAYS come before your children. He is and always should remain number one in your life right behind Jesus. Children will grow up and move on in their own life. Your husband is your life, you had children with him because you love him, not to replace him. DO NOT let your husband feel replaced. He and you are a team, raising kids isn't easy. You need him on your team, make sure that he is apart of your team not on his own team while you put the kids needs above his. Not always easy and there are times when you have to spend the night snuggling with a sick feverish child, but that is life. Make sure you put your husband first before your children. The BEST GIFT you can give your children is a healthy marriage. Make that a priority.

So when to introduce solids. Ahh that is a great question. Again it depends. I had visions of strictly breastfeeding for 1 year. Well at 6 months my supply was not enough to keep up with the demands of my son. He was hungry all the time, screaming because he was hungry. So I had to start solids sooner than I really wanted to. When I did start him I started with veggies and butter. You don't have to teach kids to like sweets like fruits. I refuse to let my children be picky eaters so until they ate veggies really well and liked them no fruits. Then I slowly introduced fruits, making sure they would continue to eat veggies and proteins as their main source of fuel. I avoided any and all grains and starches until at least 12 months old. There is studies that suggest babies under 12 months produce little to no amylase, which is needed to digest grains. So the theory is feeding them any before 12 months can increase the possibility of a gluten allergy. Behind milk gluten is the #2 food allergy in the US. Anything I can do to decrease the chances of that allergy I was willing to do. Yes it is more work. It's difficult to find any finger foods that don't contain grains or starches. Cheese sticks broken into pieces become a great on the go food :) I didn't give my son any grains or starches until he was over 15 months old and he so far has no food allergies of any sort.  My now 8 month old daughter has never had a grains or starches either, and won't until at least 12 months old. It is tempting when out to eat to throw french fries at them etc, but it is worth it to me to specifically request veggies instead of fries so I can feed them to my kiddo's. Steamed veggies mush up very easily. Some of you may have heard of baby led weaning, the idea of no purees and only feeding your baby soft whole foods. I do a mixture of both. In my experience my children do get some chunks of soft foods to eat but also get pureed food. I do this for two reasons. One it is very important to me for them to get lots of healthy fats like butter in their diet. The easiest way to add this to their diet is to put the butter in the warm veggies before blending them up. Yes you may have guessed by now, but I make my own baby food. I rarely feed my children the pre made baby food. Two reasons for this. It's hard to find a veggie based one that doesn't contain grains or starches, and secondly it's cheaper and healthier :). The second reason I do a mixture of purees and baby led weaning is to help fill them up. This way they can learn to feed themselves chunks of food and still get plenty of nourishment. I let them eat chunks and then top them off with pureed foods. I also continue to breastfeed during this time. They still need that nourishment until around a year old. By the time they are a year old they may not be nursing much and that is fine. Just be sure they are getting plenty of healthy fats in their diet, as before they were getting that in breast milk.
