Sunday, December 16, 2012

Elderberry Cough Syrup

This stuff is not just for coughs, it helps boost your immune system. I give some to Micah if Dan or I get sick, in hopes he won't get sick. Although I only give it to Micah, adults can use it as well. I just usually take a tincture or capsule which Micah won't do just yet.

Recipe for Elderberry Cough Syrup:

1/2 cup dried elderberries (purchased from
1 cinnamon stick
5 cloves
1 Tbsp fresh grated ginger or powder
2 cups water
1 cup honey (raw organic is best)

Bring all but honey to a boil reduce heat and simmer until reduced by about half. Strain and add the honey, mix well. Keep in fridge for up to 2 weeks. I freeze any that is left.

I do highly recommend only using local raw organic honey (if you are looking to get some get a hold of me and I can get you some, I get it locally from a guy and usually buy several quart jars at a time), store bought honey is just really not good for you. Many reasons why, but mainly it has been pasteurized (heated) and this kills a lot if not all beneficial stuff in it.

Dosing -Shake before use.
Active cold/cough-1 tsp every hour or so for young children, 1 Tbsp every hour or so for adults.
Preventative-just take a couple doses for a couple days. I give Micah some in a medicine dropper and he sucks it right down, he loves it!

Disclaimer-I am NOT a Dr. this is just what I give my little man when he is sick, it really does seem to help him get better quicker. :)


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