Monday, June 10, 2013

Chia Drinks For Summer

I have had chia seeds in my cupboard for a long long time, I know they are super good for you etc. But other than tossing them in a smoothie I never really used them much. Well that changed a while back when I stumbled upon a recipe for a drink with chia seeds in it. Sounded interesting so I gave it a try and perfected my own recipe. It's very similar to the drink you can buy Mamma Chia, which is like $4+ for a 10oz bottle. My recipe is like maybe a dollar for 32oz. :)

 Chia Drink Recipe
1/3 cup of chia seeds
2 cups of filtered water

place in a 1 quart jar and put lid on tightly, place in fridge for 12 hours or overnight. In the morning or whenever you decide to use it fill the jar the rest of the way with the juice of your choice.  :)

Something interesting I have also uncovered is chia seeds should really only be consumed when re-hydrated, even in smoothies etc. When consumed dry they are very dehydrating to the body.

This drink tastes great any time, but is best consumed on a hot day while relaxing on the deck :)



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